
Michael P. Brenner- Science of Cooking


Who is Michael P. Brenner?

Glover Professor of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics
Harvard College Professor

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Kavli Insitute for Bionano Science and Technology
Harvard University

Our research uses methods and ideas of applied mathematics to address problems in science and engineering. We are first and foremost problem solvers, and search widely to find problems where mathematics (simple or complicated, with large computer simulations or without) can answer scientific questions. 

Current research projects range from efforts to understand the limitations of self assembly (e.g. what can be reliably assembled with spherically symmetric building blocks), to algorithm development for atmospheric chemistry (the development o algorithms to accelerate simulations of global pollution), to fluid mechanics (e.g. the aerodynamics of whale flippers, the splashing of droplets and the ejection of fungal spores), to material science (pattern formation on ion sputtered surfaces) to studies of the connection between evolution and physiology, targeted to specific protein families (voltage gated ion channels and hemoglobin).



M.Holmes-Cerfon, S. Gortler and M.P. Brenner, A geometrical approach to computing free-energy landscapes from short-ranged potentials, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 110, E5-E14 (2013)

J.Wilking, V. Zaburdaev, M.De Volder, R. Losick, M.P. Brenner and D.A. Weitz,  Liquid transport facilitated by channels in Bacillus subtilus biofilms, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110, 848-852 (2013)

J.Fritz, A. Seminara, M. Roper, A. Pringle and M.P. Brenner, A natural O-ring optimizes the dispersal of fungal spores, under review.

K.Alim, G. Amselem, F. Peaudecerf, M.P. Brenner and A. Pringle, Organism-wide organization of flow by random network peristalsis in Physarum polycephalum, in review

L.Colwell, M.P. Brenner and A.W. Murray, A Baysian approach to detecting amino acid covariance in multiple sequence alignments, under review

L.Colwell, Y. Qin, A. Manta and M.P. Brenner, Signal identification from Sample Covariance Matrices with Correlated Noise, under review.

S.Hormoz and M.P. Brenner, Non universal and non singular asymptotics of interacting vortex filaments, to appear in Proc. IUTAM

A.Pringle, M.P. Brenner, J. Fritz, M. Roper and A. Seminara, Reaching the wind: the fluid mechanics of spore discharge and dispersal, preprint.


A.Seminara, T. Angelini, J. Wilking, H. Vlamakis, D.A. Weitz and M. P. Brenner, Osmotic spreading of Bacillus subtilis biofilms driven by an extracellular exopolysaccharide matrix, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 109, 1116 (2012)
S.Mandre and M.P. Brenner,  The mechanism of a splash on a dry solid surface”, J. Fluid Mech. 690 148-172. (2012)

D.M.  Kaz, R. McGorty, M. Mani, M.P. Brenner and V.N. Manoharan, Physical ageing of the contact line on colloidal particles at liquid interfaces , Nature Materials, 11, 138-142 (2012).

J.Kolinski, S.M. Rubenstein, S. Mandre, M.P. Brenner, D.A. Weitz and L. Mahadevan, Skating on an air film: drops impacting a solid surface, Phys. Rev. Lett.,  107 074503 (2012)

Y. Qin, T. Schneider and M.P. Brenner, Sequencing by Hybridization of a Long Target, PLOS One, 7, e35819(2012)

M. Holmes, M. J. Aziz and M.P. Brenner, Creating sharp features by colliding shocks on uniformly irradiated surfaces, Phys. Rev. B, 85,165441 (2012)

S.Hormoz and M.P. Brenner, Absence of singular stretching in interacting vortex filaments,  J. Fluid Mech, 707,194-204 (2012)

M.P. Brenner, Endocytic Traffic: Vesicle Fusion Cascade in the Early Endosomes, Current Biology, 22, R597 (2012)

A.M. Drews, L. Cademartiri, M. Chemama, M.P. Brenner, G.M. Whitesides and K.J.M. Bishop, AC electric fields drive steady flows in flames, 85, 165441 (2012)

R. Mallarino, O. Campas, J. Fritz, K. Burns, O. Weeks, M.P. Brenner and A. Abzhanov, Varied developmental programs underlie convergent and divergent beak shape evolution in closely related bird species, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, (2012)

M.Holmes-Cerfon, W. Zhou, A.L. Bertozzi, M.P. Brenner and M.J. Aziz, Development of Knife-Edge Ridges on Ion Sputtered Surfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett, 2012


T.Schneider, S. Mandre and M.P. Brenner, “Algorithm for a microfluidic assembly line”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 106,094503 (2011)

F. Ilevski, M. Mani, G. M. Whitesides and MP Brenner, “Self assembly of magnetically interacting cubes by a turbulent fluid flow”, Phys. Rev. E, 83, 017301 (2011)

S.Norris, J. Samuel, L. Bukonte, M. Backman, F. Djurabekova, K.S. Nordland, C. S. Madi, M.P. Brenner and M. J. Aziz, “MD predicted phase diagrams for pattern formation in ion beam sputtering”, Nature Comm., 2:276, 1-6 (2011)

S.Hormoz and M.P. Brenner, Design principles for self assembly with short ranged interactions, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 1014094108 (2011)

J.Wilking, T. Angelini, A. Seminara, M.P. Brenner and D.A. Weitz, “Biofilms as Complex Fluids”, MRS Bulletin, 36, 1 (2011).

A.Seminara, B. Pokroy, S.H. Kang, M.P. Brenner and J. Aizenberg, On the mechanism of nanostructure movement under electron beam and its application in patterning, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 235438 (2011).

N. Arkus, V. Manoharan and M.P. Brenner, “Deriving Finite Sphere Packings”, SIAM J Discrete Mathematics, 25, 1860-1901 (2011). 


G. Meng, N. Arkus, M.P. Brenner and V. Manoharan, The Free Energy Landscape of Hard Sphere Clusters, Science 327, 560 (2010)

O Campas, R. Mallarnio, A. Herrel, A. Abzhanov and M.P. Brenner, “The Scaling and Shear transformations capture beak shape variation in Darwin’s finches”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci (2010)

M.Santillana, P. Le Sager, D. J. Jacob and M.P. Brenner, “An adaptive reduction algorithm for efficient chemical calculations in global atmospheric chemistry models”, submitted.

Y. Rastigeyev, R. Park, M.P. Brenner and D. J. Jacob, “Resolving intercontinential pollution plumes in global transport models”,  J. Geophys. Res.  115, D02302 (2010)

M. Mani, S. Mandre and M.P. Brenner, Events Before Droplet Splashing on a Solid Surface, J. Fluid Mech., 647, 163 (2010)

P.K. Bhattacharjee, T.M. Schneider, M.P. Brenner, G.H. McKinley and G. Rutledge, On the measured current in electrospinning, J. Appl. Physics 107 044306 (2010)

L.Colwell, M.P. Brenner and K. Ribbeck, “Charge as a selection criterion for translocation through the nuclear pore complex”, Plos Comp. Biol. 6 (4): e1000747 (2010).

M.P. Brenner, Chemotactic Patterns without Chemotaxis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 11653-11654 (2010)

M.P. Brenner, Book Review: Potential flows of viscous and viscoelastic fluids, J. Fluid Mech.,(2010)


M. Roper and M. P. Brenner, “A nonperturbative approximation to the Moderate Reynolds Number Navier Stokes Equation”,  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 106, 2977 (2009)

N. Arkus, V. Manoharan and M.P. Brenner, “Minimal Energy Clusters of  Hard Spheres with Short Ranged Attractions”, Phys Rev Lett, 103,118303 (2009).

T.Angelini, M. Roper, R. Kolter, D.A. Weitz and M.P. Brenner, “Bacillus subtilis spreads by surfing on waves of surfactant”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 106, 18109 (2009)

L. Colwell and M.P. Brenner, “Action Potential Initiation in the Hodgkin Huxley Model”, PLOS Comp. Biol , 5(1): e1000265. (2009)

S. Mandre, M. Mani and M.P. Brenner, “Precursors to droplet splashing on a solid surface”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 134502 (2009)

S. Norris, M.P. Brenner and M.J. Aziz, “From crater functions to phase diagrams: a new approach to ion bombardment induced nonequilibrium pattern formation”, J. Cond. Matter (special issue on ion beam sputtering) , 21, 224017 (2009)

B. Davidovitch, M. Aziz and M.P. Brenner, “Linear dynamics of ion sputtered surfaces: Instability, stability and bifurcations”, J. Cond. Matter (special issue of ion beam sputtering) , 21 224019 (2009)

M.P. Brenner, “Cavitation in Linear Bubbles” , J. Fluid Mech., 632, 1-4 (2009).


E. A. van Nierop , S. Alben and M.P. Brenner, “ “How bumps on whale flippers delay stall: an aerodynamic model”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 054502 (2008).

S.Tee, P.J. Mucha, M.P. Brenner and D.A. Weitz, “Velocity fluctuations in a low Reynolds Number Fluidized Bed”, J. Fluid Mech,, 596, 467-475 (2008).

M. Roper, R. Pepper, M.P. Brenner and A.Pringle, “Explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi have drag minimizing shapes”,  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci (2008) 105, 20583-20558

M. Roper, T.M. Squires and M.P. Brenner, “Symmetry un-breaking in the shapes of perfect projectiles”, Phys. Fluids, 20, 0923606 (2008).

M.P. Brenner and D. Lohse, “Dynamic equilbrium mechanism for nanobubble stabilization”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 214505 (2008)

C.S. Madi, B.P. Davidovitch, H.B. George, S. A. Norris, M.P. Brenner and M.J. Aziz,”Multiple bifurcation types and the linear dynamics of ion sputtered surfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246102 (2008)


E. L. Angelino and M.P. Brenner, “Excitability constraints on voltage gated sodium channels”, PLOS Comp Bio, 3, 1751-1760, (2007)

S. Paruchuri and M.P. Brenner, “Splitting a Liquid Jet”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 98,134502,2007

Y. Rastigeyev, M.P. Brenner and D. Jacob, “Spatial Reduction Algorithm for Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 104, 13875 (2007).

S. Alben and M.P. Brenner, “The Self Assembly of Flat Sheets into Closed Surfaces”,  Phys. Rev. E, 75,056113, (2007)

B. Davidovitch, M. Aziz and M.P. Brenner, On the stabilization of ion sputtered surfaces. Phys. Rev. B, 76,205420 (2007).

P. J. Mucha, S.Y. Tee, M.P. Brenner and D. A. Weitz, Velocity fluctuations of initially stratified spheres. Physics of Fluids, 19, 113304 (2007)

R.Milo, J. Hou, M. Springer, M.P. Brenner and M. Kirschner The relationship between evolutionary and physiological variation in hemoglobin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 104:13875-1380 (2007).

E. Lauga, M.P. Brenner, and H.A. Stone Microfluidics: The no-slip boundary condition. Handbook of Experimental Fluid Dynamics, C. Tropea, A. Yarin, J. F. Foss (Eds.), Springer, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-25141-5


I. Cohen, B. Davidovitch, A. B. Schofield, M. P. Brenner and D. A. Weitz, “Slip, yield, and bands in colloidal crystals under oscillatory shear”,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006

M. Schnall-Levin, E. Lauga and M.P. Brenner, “Self Assembly of spherical particles on an evaporating sessile droplet”, Langmuir, 22, 4547 (2006).


“Shocks in ion sputtering sharpen steep surface features’, H.H. Chen, O.A. Urquidez, S. Ichim, L.H. Rodriquez, M.P. Brenner and M.J. Aziz, Science 310, 294-297(2005)

"Optimal Design of an electrostatic zipper actuator", M. P. Brenner, J. Lang, J. Li and A. H. Slocum, Model. Simulation of Microsystems .

"DRIE Etched Electrostatic Curved-Electrode Zipping Actuators", J.Li, M.P. Brenner, J. H. Lang, A. H. Slocum,  JMEMS, 14 (6): 1283-1297 2005.


"A model for Velocity Fluctuations in Sedimentation", P. J. Mucha, S. Y. Tee, D. A. Weitz, B. I. Shraiman and M. P. Brenner, J. Fluid Mech, 501, 71-104 (2004)

Evaporation Driven assembly of colloidal particles, E. Lauga and M.P. Brenner, Phys. Rev. Lett, 93, 238301 (2004)

"The optimal faucet", H. H. Chen and M. P. Brenner, Physical Review Letters (2004).


"Like charged particles at liquid interfaces", M. G. Nikolaides, A. R. Bausch, M. F. Hsu, A. D. Dinsmore, M. P. Brenner, C. Gay, D. A. Weitz. Brief Communications, Nature, 424, August, (2003).

"Cristallisation par onde acoustique: le ecas de L'helium", M. Ben Amar, M. P. Brenner, J. R. Rice,Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 331, 601-607, (2003)

"Motility of Escherichia coli cells in clusters formed by chemotactic aggregation" N. Mittal, E. O. Budrene, M. P. Brenner, and A. van Oudenaarden, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci,100, 13259-13263 (2003).

"Like-charged particles at a liquid liquid interface", M. G. Nikolaides, A. R. Bausch, M. F. Hsu, A.D. Dinsmore, M. P. Brenner, C. Gay, D. A.Weitz, Nature,(2003).

"Dynamic mechanisms for shear-dependent apparent slip on hydrophobic surfaces", E. Lauga and M. P. Brenner,  Phys. Rev. E (2003).

"Elastic Instability of a Growing Yeast Droplet", B. C. Nguyen, A. Updataya, A. van Oudeenarden, M. P. Brenner, Biophys. J., (2003).

"Optimal Design of a Bistable Switch", M. P. Brenner, J. Lang, J. Li, J. Qiu and A. Slocum, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci , 100, 9663-9667 (2003).

"Diffusivities and Front Propagation in Sedimentation", P. J. Mucha and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 1305 (2003).

"Controlling the Fiber Diameter during electrospinning", S. Fridrikh, J. Yu, M. P. Brenner and G. C. Rutledge, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 14, 144502 (2003).

"Thermal bending of liquid jets and sheets", M. P. Brenner and S. Paruchuri, Phys. Fluids (2003).


Ordered clusters and dynamical states of particles in a vibrated fluid", G. A. Voth, B. Bigger, M. R. Buckley, W. Losert, M. P. Brenner, H. A. Stone and J. P. Gollub, Phys. Rev.Lett 88,234301 (2002).

Electric-field-induced capillary attraction between like-charged particles at liquid interfaces", M. G. Nikolaides, A. R. Bausch, M. F. Hsu, A. D. Dinsmore, C. Gay, M. P. Brenner,  D. A. Weitz, Nature 299 - 301 (21 Nov 2002

"Nonuniversal velocity fluctuations in sedimentation", S.Y. Tee, P. J. Mucha, L. Cipelletti, S. Manley, M. P. Brenner, P. N. Segre and D. A. Weitz, Phys. Rev. Lett 89, 054501, (2002).

"Bistable Actuation Techniques, Mechanisms and Applications", J. Qiu, A. Slocum, J. Lang, M. P. Brenner and J. Li, International Patent Application, filed (2002).

"Optimal Design of a MEMS Relay Switch", M. P. Brenner, J. Li, J. Lang, J. Qiu and A. Slocum, Model. Simulation of Microsystems, 214-217,(2002).

"Single Bubble Sonoluminescence", M. P. Brenner, S. Hilgenfeldt and D. Lohse, Rev.Mod. Phys, 74,425-484, (2002).


"Collapsing Bacterial Cylinders" , M. D. Betterton and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Rev. E, 64,519 (2001).

"Experimental Characterization of electrospinning: the electrically forced jet and instabilities". Y. M. Shin, M. Hohman, M. P. Brenner and G. C. Rutledge, Polymer, 42,9955-9967(2001).
"Electrospinning and electrically forced liquid jets: II. Applications", M. M. Hohman, M. Shin, and G. C. Rutledge and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 2221-2236 (2001).
"Electrospinning and electrically forced liquid jets: I. Stability theory", M. M. Hohman, M. Shin, and G. C. Rutledge and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 2201-2220 (2001).

"That Sinking Feeling", M. P. Brenner and P. J. Mucha, Nature, 409,568-569 (2001).

"Electrospinning: a whipping fluid jet generates submicron polymer fibers", M. Shin, M.M. Hohman, M. P. Brenner and G. C. Rutledge, App. Phys. Lett,78, 1149-1151 (2001) .


"Like Charge Attraction through Hydrodynamic Interaction", T. Squires and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Rev. Lett, 85, 4976 (2000).

"Hydrodynamic Coupling of Two Brownian Spheres to a Planar Surface", E. R. Dufresne, T. M. Squires, M. P. Brenner and D. G. Grier, Phys. Rev. Lett,85, 3317 (2000).

"Modern Classical Physics through the work of G. I. Taylor", M. P. Brenner and H. A. Stone, Physics Today, May 2000.

"Jets from a Singular Surface", M. P. Brenner, Nature, 377(2000).


"Two Fluid Droplet Breakup: Theory and Experiments", I. Cohen, M. P. Brenner, J. Eggers and S. R. Nagel, Phys. Rev. Lett., , 1147-1150 (1999).

"Spinning Jet Breakup", J. Eggers and M.P. Brenner, IUTAM proceedings on Nonlinear Waves in Multi-Phase Flows, H. C. Chang, editor, 1999.

"Diffusion, Attraction and Collapse", M.P. Brenner, P. Constantin, L. P. Kadanoff, A. Shenkel and S.C. Venkataramani, Nonlinearity, , 1071-1098 (1999).

"Electrostatic Edge instability in Lipid Membranes," M. Betterton and M. P. Brenner, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 1598-1601(1999).

"Screening Mechanisms in Sedimentation", M. P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 754-772 (1999).

"On the Bursting of Viscous Films", M. P. Brenner and D. Gueyffier, Phys. Fluids , 37-739 (1999).

"Drops with Conical Ends in Electric and Magnetic Fields", H.A. Stone, J.R. Lister, and M.P. Brenner, Proc. RoyalSoc, 329-347 (1999).


"Dynamics of Foam Drainage", S. Koehler, H. Stone, M.P. Brenner and J. Eggers, Phys. Rev. E, 2097-2016 (1998).

"On Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse", M.P. Brenner and T.P. Witelski, J. Stat. Phys ,863-899 (1998).

"Physical Mechanisms for Chemotactic Pattern Formation by Bacteria", M.P. Brenner, L. Levitov and E. Budrene, Biophys. J 74,1677-1693 (1998).

"Analysis of Rayleigh Plesset Dynamics for Sonoluminescing Bubbles", S. Hilgenfeldt, M.P. Brenner, S. Grossmann and D. Lohse, J. Fluid Mech, 365, 171-204 (1998).

"Reply to Comment by Putterman and Roberts", M.P. Brenner, T.F. Dupont, S. Hilgenfeldt and D. Lohse, Phys. Rev. Lett, 3668-3669 (1998).


"Breakdown of Scaling in High Reynolds Number Droplet Fission", M.P. Brenner, J. Eggers, K. Joseph, S.R. Nagel and X.D. Shi, Phys. Fluids, 9,1573-1590 (1997).

"Sonoluminescing Air Bubbles Rectify Argon, D. Lohse, M.P. Brenner, T.F. Dupont, S. Hilgenfeldt and B. Johnston, Phys. Rev. Lett, 78, 1359-1362 (1997).

"Linear Stability and Transient Growth in Driven Contact Lines", A. Bertozzi and M.P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 9, 530-539 (1997).

"Sonoluminescence: The Hydrodynamical/Chemical Approach: A Detailed Comparison to Experiment", M.P. Brenner, S. Hilgenfeldt and D. Lohse, in NATO-ASI on Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry, L. Crum, editor , (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrect, 1997).


"Why Air Bubbles in Water Glow so Easily", M.P. Brenner, S. Hilgenfeldt and D. Lohse, in Nonlinear Physics of Complex Systems--Current Status and Future Trends,, edited by J. Parisi, S.C. MŸuller, and W. Zimmermann,79-97 (Springer, Berlin 1996).

"Phase Diagrams for Sonoluminescing in Bubbles", S. Hilgenfeldt, D. Lohse, and M.P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids, 8, 2808-2826 (1996).

"Acoustic Energy Storage in Single Bubble Sonoluminescence", M.P. Brenner, S. Hilgenfeldt, D. Lohse, and R. Rosales, Phys. Rev. Lett,77, 3467-3470 (1996).

"Pinching Threads, Singularities and the Number $0.0304", M.P. Brenner, J.R. Lister and H.A. Stone, Phys. Fluids, 8, 2827-2836 (1996).

"Mechanisms for Stable Single Bubble Sonoluminescence", M.P. Brenner, D. Lohse, D. Oxtoby and T.F. Dupont, Phys. Rev. Lett, 76, 1158-1161 (1996).

"Stable and Unstable Singularities in the Unforced Heleshaw Cell", R. Almgren, A. Bertozzi and M.P. Brenner, Phys. Fluids ,8, 1356-1370 (1996).

"Mechanisms for stable single bubble sonoluminescenceÓ, M. P. Brenner, D. Lohse, D. Oxtoby, and T. F. Dupont, Physical Review Letters, 76, (1996).

"Note on the Capillary Thread Instability for Fluids of Equal Viscosity", H.A. Stone and M.P. Brenner, Fluid Mech, 318, 373-4 (1996).


"Bubble Shape Oscillations and the Onset of Sonoluminescence", M.P. Brenner, D. Lohse and T.F. Dupont, Phys. Rev. Lett,75<, 954-957 (1995).

"Bifurcation of Liquid Drops", M.P. Brenner, X.D. Shi, J. Eggers and S.R. Nagel, Phys. Fluids, Gallery of Fluid Motion, 7, S2, (1995).


"Iterated Instabilities During Droplet Fission, Ó M.P. Brenner, X.D. Shi and S.R. Nagel, Phys. Rev. Lett ,73, 3391-3394 (1994).

"A Cascade of Structure in a Drop Falling From a Faucet", X.D. Shi, M.P. Brenner and S.R. Nagel, Science, 265, 219-222 (1994).

"Singularities and Similarities in Interface Flows", A.L. Bertozzi, M.P. Brenner, T.F. Dupont and L.P. Kadanoff., in Trends and Perspectives in Applied Mathematics, pp. 155--208, L. Sirovich, ed., Springer-Verlag Applied Mathematical Sciences, 1994.


"Instability Mechanism at Driven Contact Lines", M.P. Brenner, Phys. Rev. E, 4, 4597-4601 (1993); (Also appeared as "Instabilities at Driven Contact Lines", Berichte der Bunsen--Gesellshaft, 98,440 (1993)).

"Instability mechanism at driven contact lines", M. P. Brenner, Physical Review E , 47, (1993).

"Spreading of Droplets on a Solid Surface," M.P. Brenner and A.L. Bertozzi, Phys. Rev. Lett, 71, 593-596 (1993).

"Rotational Evolution of Solar--Type Stars," K.B. MacGregor and M.P. Brenner, Astrophysical Journal, 376, 204 (1991).

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