

This Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast Sous Vide Recipe Makes JUICY Chicken10x BETTER


Download it NOW; Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast Sous vide Recipe

Why are my skinless boneless chicken breasts dry?

Your chicken meat coming out dry has nothing to do with whether or not you cook the chicken breast in liquid. 

It has everything to do with the temperature at which the meat is cooked. When high heat comes into contact with meat proteins like skinless chicken breast. The proteins contract and expel the moisture. 

That it is why it becomes dry.

Why are my boneless chicken breasts tough?

The condition that causes chicken breasts to be tougher is the hard or woody fibers which meat is made of. As much as 10 percent of boneless and skinless breast meat may show signs of woody breast according to meat experts.

Hard or woody fibers is not harmful to humans even if you eat it.

Is a sous vide chicken breast good?

Yes! It is tender, juicy and yummy.

Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast Sous Vide is safe to eat even though it is not cooked to 165°F. 

The USDA recommends cooking the chicken to 165°F to pasteurize it. Pasteurization is actually based on both the temperature and how long the temperature is maintained. 

The recommended 165°F is really the best temperature to pasteurize it.

However, cooking the chicken to 145° F for 9 minutes will also pasteurize it. This will reduce the bacteria in the chicken without overcooking it. 


How do you keep skinless boneless chicken breast moist?

a) Buy good quality chicken meat.

Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast

b) Flatten the chicken breasts. Use blade meat tenderizer. Incredible results on boneless chicken breasts including even cooking, retention of meats natural juices and flavors.

The proper use of blade meat tenderizer will result in much more juicy and flavorful boneless chicken breast (as the cooking heat has less time to dry out the meat).

Use Blade Meat Tenderizer

c) Use sous vide cooking technique.

d) If you do not have a sous vide circulator. Cook at a lower temperature for longer to keep the chicken breast tender and juicy. 

Cook just until internal temperature reaches about 160ยบ F, then let sit under aluminum foil to cook to a safe internal temperature. 

e) Put some olive oil. Season the chicken breasts. Marinate in olive oil and other seasonings. Olive oil keeps chicken moist and adds extra flavor.

What temperature do you sous vide boneless chicken breast?

Sous vide skinless and boneless chicken breast temperature and timing chart

Timing Range

Very soft and juicy, served hot
140°F (60°C)
1 1/2 to 4 hours
Juicy, tender, and slightly stringy, served hot
150°F (66°C)
1 to 4 hours
Traditional, juicy, firm, and slightly stringy, served hot
160°F (71°C)
1 to 4 hours

Related Chicken Recipes:

How do you Grill Boneless Chicken Breast on a Charcoal Grill Without Drying Out?

How to Make Jamie Oliver’s Chicken Stew- Doro Wat- Ethiopian Chicken Recipes

How much water do you need to sous vide cooking?

Minimum water depth is 2.5 inches or 6.35 centimeters.

The average sous vide circulator can accommodate up to 5 gallons of water, which is equivalent to 20 quarts or 18.927 liters.

Can you sous vide boneless chicken breast too long?

It is possible to overcook chicken meat using a sous vide machine, but it is more difficult.  Instead of tasting tender, overcooked sous vide chicken just tastes like an ordinary cooked chicken.


Sure, sous vide gives you perfectly cooked chicken breast, but without that golden sear on top. It is not the same like the one you tasted in a high-quality restaurants.

This is all about finishing off your sous vide meat.

1) When the breast is finished cooking by sous vide technique, remove it from the bag and gently pat or wipe it dry. Add a little oil to a pan and heat over medium-high heat until very hot. 

If you are using a chicken breast with the skin on, simply sear on the skin side. If you are cooking a skinless chicken breast, sear on the smooth side. This method will add another pan to wash. Who want to wash many kitchen utensils after dinner?

2) There is an easy solution and it has called a food-searing torch. If you want fast no-hassle searing, use a culinary blowtorch like this one, EurKitchen Culinary Butane Torch for Sous Vide Cooking. This particular one is affordable and gives the perfect sear.

EurKitchen Culinary Butane Torch for Sous Vide Cooking

Make use of the culinary torch to add some color, smokiness, crunch and added texture to your chicken meat. It makes a big difference to the result, both taste and looks delicious. In addition, it is really pretty fun and you will look like a PRO chef pointing a torch at something. 

Your kids or a date will be impressed!

Unless you prefer going the skillet method, a culinary torch is a perfect tool to own. 

Some what related post on impressing somebody: 4 Best Molecular Mixology Kit to Make Cocktails that Will IMPRESS a Girl

Can you eat sous vide without searing?

YES. All sorts of things are okay without searing. Vegetables, fresh eggs, white meats (lobster, chicken, crab), sauces and many others. 

If you are so lazy that you do not care about searing meat, sous vide cooking has some great easy options. 

Just think of your food as a frequently served steamed or boiled food. If you do not like the color of the meat cooked in sous vide method, you can top it with your favorite sauce or ketchup (try mango ketchup, plum ketchup, smoked tomato ketchup) to hide its meaty color.

Do you rest meat after sous vide?

Traditionally some people fanatically believed that cooked steaks need to rest (grilling meat myths busted) before serving. 

Resting means that meat should be placed aside and covered with aluminum foil or a pot cover for five to 10- 15 minutes before they are cut and served. 

This resting period is to allow time for the temperature gradient within the steak to even out.

Sous vide meat can be served immediately after searing without resting.

Can you sous vide chicken breast in marinade?

YES. Commonly, flavoring marinades (olive oil with seasonings) are okay to use at the same time you sous vide the meat, or to leave on during the sous vide process. 

You might lose some meat penetration if you do not let the meat submerged in the marinade first but cooking it will not spoil the flavor of the food.

Why is my sous vide chicken rubbery?

You cooked it at a very low temperature. Sous vide cooking is intended for meat where you want the protein to remain tender.

The meat is properly cooked at 60-65°C (depends on the animal meat), and tough and dry above that recommended temperature

Meat marbled with sinews has to be cooked at a temperature where the sinews (collagen) melt into gelatin.

Get this NOW, Accurate Sous Vide Cooking Times- PDF Free Download

Can you stop and start sous vide?

a) You can just put the food on ice or fridge and continue at a later time that is convenient for you. Putting on ice or fridge will stop the cooking process.

If you continue the sous vide cooking, subtract the discontinued cooking time to the total cooking time. The answer will be your cooking time remaining.

Times for sous vide cooking are open to interpretation and convenience.

b) Do Ahead Sous Vide Cooking: Chicken breast or beef steak can be cooked in water bath 4 days ahead. Keep sealed in bag and chill, or freeze up to 1 month. 

Reheat the meat with sous vide circulator at 100° until warmed through, about 1 hour, before searing with culinary torch or with the use of skillet.

Why sous vide is bad?

Sous vide is bad if you do not know how to follow simple procedure.

a) Cooking in plastic is a major sous vide safety concern. If you use food grade plastic this is not an issue.

b) For the reason that food is cooked at low temperature in sous vide method, harmful bacteria may grow and will cause food poisoning.

Why sous vide is bad
Harmful bacteria can cause food poisoning

Between 4°C and 60°C (or 40°F and 140°F) is the “Danger Zone.” Keep food out of this temperature range because bacteria will multiply rapidly. Between 0°C and 4°C (or 32°F and 40°F), most bacteria will survive but will not multiply quickly.

Sous vide foods are usually cooked at lower temperatures than traditional cooking (less than 80°C or 176°F). However, if you heat food at acceptable low temperature and LONG ENOUGH it will kill the bacteria according to the USDA. , most bacteria will actually be destroyed after a few hours, making pasteurization possible.

The precision temperature control of sous-vide cooking means it is actually safe for home use.

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